
Mass and Heat Transfer Lab (MHTL)
In this lab, researchers/investigators/users can conduct experiments on conduction, convection, and radiation of heat; collect data, perform analysis and interpret results to draw valid conclusions through standard test procedures.

Reaction Engineering and Catalysis Lab (RECL)
In this lab, researchers/investigators/users can conduct experiments on different homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions, and carry out different instrumental analyses using standard analysis procedures.

Process Safety and Control Lab (PSCL)
In this lab, researchers, investigators and users can conduct experiments on energy losses, dynamic head measurements, flow over weirs of different shapes, flow over a cavity, fixed and fluidized bed experiments, solids handling and sedimentation studies, and flow through porous media.

Process Piloting and Product Demonstration Lab (PPDL)
In this lab, researchers, investigators, users can build their product/process prototypes, workout the detailed designs, and carry out the needed testing and validations.