Center for Applied Research on the Environment and Sustainability
CARES guides sustainable development efforts in Egypt, the region, and beyond by providing holistic academic programs, applied interdisciplinary research, and community services for improving lives and livelihoods while safeguarding natural resources for future generations to come.

Yousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center
The Yousef Jameel Science and Technology Research Center is an interdisciplinary center that draws on the expertise of the university’s engineering and science departments.

Center of Nanoelectronics and Devices
The CND aims to create an environment in which the electronics industry can thrive in the region and has a vision of becoming an internationally leading education and research Center supporting the growth of the Electronics and Devices industry in the region.

Process and Product Development Unit
The PPDU serves to harness research results and science-based innovations, both home-grown and community-generated, to create an economic and societal value and serve the well-being of the local and regional populations.

Eltoukhy Learning Factory
Eltoukhy Learning Factory for Innovation and Entrepreneurship brings together students, faculty, entrepreneurs and industry. The facility will aid students in strengthening their multi-disciplinary and problem-solving skills, preparing them for careers in diverse professional sectors.

Educational Virtual Environment
The Educational Virtual Environment- VR Lab at the American University in Cairo, offers students the opportunity to engage with emerging technologies and explore the digital future.