At the Department of Physics, we believe that theory and experiment are the two sides of the physics coin. For this reason, we have a corresponding laboratory for each theoretical course. Our undergraduate laboratories are equipped with modern facilities that are continuously renovated. The department is implementing a new concept in teaching its freshman courses and laboratories. These are going to be conducted in an integrated way, where the instructor introduces a theory and then runs the corresponding experiment, followed by a problem session. A video showing the most recent applications of the subject is played afterward. Before coming to the class, the student will be provided online with another video that illustrates the theory; such a concept is referred to as a flipped classroom. All these blended learning techniques are applied in a round table environment, which allows peer instruction. It is important to mention here that our department is unique in the Middle-Eastern region in applying this interactive studio classroom concept. This initiative greatly helps in achieving one of our major goals to reshape the teaching philosophy from being instructor-centered to being student-centered.